
Business Strategy Tips and Steps you Can use for your business

Business Strategy Limbo

If you’re reading this, it’s because you want to take your business to the next level. You’ve probably asked yourself the following question: “What is a realistic and attainable business strategy for my brand?” Well the answer is simple — a strategy that targets growth. Here’s why…

Everyone wants their business to grow. In order for it to do so, you need to first put together a strategy. Take these tips from an expert on how you can go from zero to 100. You’re reading this because you want your business to grow. Who wouldn’t? However, as a fellow business owner I get how overwhelming it can be. Things like planning, running ads, drafting articles, and more should be done each day. 

Create a Team That Can Help

If you are sitting at your computer right now, it’s because you want to be successful. I know because I was once in your same position — a mission that began with a burning desire and what felt like impossible hurdles. Here I am now, writing this very letter to you, so today is a good day: the day you get started on your marketing strategy for growth. My name is Somaya, Co-Founder & Creative Director of Marchan Markting — a company devoted to helping other entrepreneurs and business owners by providing them with the exact strategies and tactics that have worked for me and my team at our own startup agency. 

Building a Healthy, Thriving Business

I know how hard it is to balance the demands of your business with the needs of your family and friends. But I also know how much more you can accomplish when you take the time to slow down and focus on what’s most important — like building a healthy, thriving business that provides for both you and those around you.

Business strategies are a game changer when it comes to running a successful business, but they’re not the only thing you need. For example, you might have a great strategy for expanding your business, but what if you don’t have the money to do it? Maybe you’ve done all of the research and know exactly what kind of website or social media presence will help your company grow — but can’t afford the time or expertise to build one yourself.

Creating a business strategy is a great place to start, but it’s not enough on its own. Just like a map will get you lost if you don’t have GPS or a compass, your business strategy won’t mean much if you can’t put it into action. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to make sure your strategy doesn’t go up in smoke. Here are a few tips on creating a business strategy that will work for you and your business.

Must Be Clear

Start with a clear vision of what success looks like. This is one of the most important things to do when creating any kind of strategy, but it’s especially true for your business plan because it has to be something that everyone involved in the company can agree on — including investors and partners. Here are some business strategy tips that you can actually use:

-Create a clear, concise plan. If your business strategy is more than five pages long, it’s probably too long. If it isn’t clear and easy to understand, no one will be able to put it into action.

Tips for Success


      1. Keep it simple. When it comes to business strategy, less is more. The more complex your plan becomes, the harder it will be for you and your team to understand its purpose or apply it in practice. Make sure that each step can be easily understood from someone with little experience in the field.


        1. Know what you’re trying to accomplish. Be specific about who your target audience is, what they want and need from your business, and how this strategy will help them get it. For example, if you want to increase sales by 20% over the next year, define exactly how many more customers that means.

        1. Keep it simple. A good business strategy is easily understandable by everyone involved in the company — even if they don’t work in marketing or sales themselves! Keep your message clear and focused on what you’re trying to achieve. This will help everyone work together toward the same goal, instead of working at cross-purposes.

        1. Make sure that your strategy is flexible. You may not know exactly how things will play out when you start executing this plan — but if it’s too rigid, it won’t be able to adapt as needed. Use a simple outline to keep your strategy clear and easy to understand. This can be done by dividing the plan into sections. Like marketing, sales and operations — and outlining each area of focus in detail. Remember that every member of your team needs to be on the same page. Especially when it comes to how they contribute to achieving these goals. 

        1. Finally, don’t get bogged down in the details. Keep your strategy short and sweet, and make sure it’s easy to understand by everyone on your team. Be realistic about what you can accomplish with this strategy — don’t overpromise or set unrealistic goals.

      Think Things Through

      Just remember, proper planning and thinking things through will help grow your business. The internet is there to make your life easier. However, as with anything else you have to work hard to reach your goals.

      We’ve discussed how to create a business strategy and some of the basics of how to execute it. Regardless of your company’s size, goals, products or services, we believe that using some basic principles can really help your business succeed.

      Here’s a good rule of thumb for creating your own strategy: focus on only what’s absolutely necessary for reaching your company’s goals, and don’t worry about anything else. We hope these tips have been helpful! Just remember, proper planning and thinking things through will help grow your business.
